Wednesday, January 10, 2018

An Angel for Emily by Jude Deveraux

Here's the summary from Goodreads

Emily Jane Todd has just found her guardian angel. Actually, the small-town librarian had just been stood up by her fiancé when she ran into the errant angel with her car. And while he appears to be unscathed, "Michael" continues to insist that his pedigree is quite legitimate. Emily just hopes his brain hasn't been scrambled in the accident; besides, she's not inclined to believe that an angel could be so dangerously sexy. 
Yet Michael quickly reveals the most astounding things about her, and makes her laugh in a way she never has before. What's more, he declares that he's been sent to save her. At this point, the only rescue Emily has in mind is her upcoming marriage, and she's ready to bid her most attractive angel good-bye. But when he lets slip that he also looks at souls -- and hers is a rare beauty -- Emily's ready to risk heaven in his arms. Their journey will break every angelic and earthly rule before it yields her one wish: a love divine.

It wasn't bad. Emily was a kind, nice, girl next door kind of character, who suddenly comes by an angel called Michael (who isn't archangel Michael) who want to protect her from a mysterious evil. Michael was kind of exasperating at times, and it was so focused on the relationship between Emily and Michael and Emil and Donald that you could almost forget there was an evil they were supposed to be looking for. 

It was overall enjoyable, but I had higher expectations. 

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